England, the country of tea

Tea is, without a doubt, the most popular drink in England, despite coming from China and having an age of more than 4,000 years. Let’s be honest, when we think of this country, one of the images that comes directly to our head is that of a group of people who drink tea around a table at five in the afternoon. Yes, let’s throw in clichés, but surely you’ve ever thought about it.

We have to go back to the year 1650, when tea was introduced in the United Kingdom. It was the Portuguese Catalina de Braganza, wife of King Charles II of England, which made it fashionable among the English nobility. This meant that at first tea had a very high price, which is why it was an exclusive product for those people who had a high purchasing power.

But it was not until the nineteenth century that tea managed to have in the country the attachment it has in these times. It was thanks to the Duchess of Bedfor, who when feeling a somewhat tired afternoon, asked to be served a cup of tea with something to eat. Thåe fact itself seemed to sit so well that from that moment began to gather her friends around for afternoon tea, where he served the drink accompanied by cakes. Thus giving name to Afternoon Tea, or what is the same, the famous “tea of 5”.


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